KS Custom Seating is a specialized company that has a lot of experience in developing (sports related) solutions for people, young and old, with various serious or less severe physical disabilities. KS Custom Seating develops and builds personal solutions, like frame runners and custom adaptions to hand-bikes. Also for rowers, adaptive rowers and even a cushion for in a car, or a face mask for a football player who broke his nose.

Over the years different questions have come to us and often been met with the same reaction: "We don't know but we can try". This resulted in becoming part of different sporting worlds. We've been on amazing trips and meeting so many different amazing people. The things I have learned and been able to further develop for people with a disability, have been part of the things I have taken towards the sporting world. And the other way around is also true, each sport (and athlete's overall) have a different approach towards the material and gear they use.They demand functionality because the performance is what they are after.

My first focus is functionality, when that is met then comes safety as a hard 2nd, then comes comfort and the looks.


Through the years I have met different people from many different sporting worlds.

I made it a thing to name my products after the people who got me into their world. That is why I have the 'Margriet', the 'Marcel' and the 'Emperor'.


More explanation and products will come!


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